Navigating Pre-Scheduled Vacations in the Workplace: A Strategic Approach for Discussing Time Off with Future Employers

How do we tell our future bosses that we have a pre scheduled
upcoming vacation within the first three months of starting the job?
No, we don’t tell them during the interview process.
And no,
we don’t ask them if we can take the vacation that we already paid for.
We’re going. But you gotta lay it out a certain way.
Here’s what you gotta say.
Two options for you to lay it out.
And let me just say
you lay this out after you’ve already received the offer,
but before you’ve accepted the offer.
First thing you say is, thanks so much for the offer.
I’m really excited about this opportunity.
Can I please review the offer letter
and circle back within 24 to 48 hours?
Then once you circle back,
you say, this opportunity looks great.
I think I’m gonna be a great fit for the team.
I’m really excited about it.
There is one thing that I wanted to flag.
I do have a pre scheduled trip from this state to this state.
We could either a, push back my start date and I can start,
you know, 1 to 2 days after I return from the trip.
Or b, I can start with the company,
get on board it,
take the trip and then hop back into the responsibilities.
Whichever option you think is gonna be the best for me.
Give them the power of choice.
But you’ve already only dictated two options that you’re willing.
To accept. And so that is the way that you massage them into letting
you take the time, but letting them.