Struggling to Make Ends Meet – A Dilemma of Debt and Desperation

Got any ideas today then, babe?
Cause I ain’t.
I don’t know what to do. Babe,
we can’t phone any of them.
We can’t. We’re gonna have to try.
Yeah, because I can’t go anywhere on my phone.
We owe him so much money.
We owe them. They’re not gonna give us anything. Babe.
What? Do you know who else can try?
What? You gonna have to go and do something.
Oh my God. We got no petrol together anyway.
We just. We.
We just burnt every single bridge.
If you have to go out and get something.
How far? I’ve got no petrol.
I’ve got a bus fare.
I have to walk into town. You have to.
I’ll try AJ, but I can’t even go in town.
You know Stan, I know Dave,
I know, cause we owe him to AJ and Mike, but I can’t see it.
No, AJ,
it’s me.
Alright, okay.
No, I’m good on money.
Put the phone down.
How are we gonna do it