Eloping to Lake Bailey: A Journey of Spiritual Union and Self-Discovery

And I will give you this, Cynthia,
you know how to have a wedding.
Honey, your weddings are beautiful.
They are on my vision board.
And I can’t find a husband,
but when I do, I wanna
like you, girl.
Would you get married again?
You know what? I did it twice,
and I did it my way, and.
And, like you said,
they were big, that I had the weddings that I wanted.
I really think this third time it could be a charm.
But I just don’t know if I need a wedding wedding.
Like, I’m really leaning more toward,
you know, when I find my person or if I want to,
you know, go to the next level with my person.
I think it’s gonna be more of a spiritual wedding.
Like, I’m.
If I gotta go system, legal system to get divorced,
I’m not really going through that again.
Like, I’m done with that part. That sounds toxic.
We’re gonna be right here in the backyard at Lake
Lake Bailey, lighting incense and just.
That’s what I’m telling y’all about my women.
We married spiritually. Spiritually.
Let’s just have a spirit. Like,
I don’t know. I don’t have a ring or nothing.
Like, I can get a little.
And a little gold band, silver band.
I don’t even. I don’t.
I may not even have to have a ring.
Like, at this point in my life,
it’s all about. It’s not about the wedding.
It’s not About the ceremony,
it’s really just about the person, and.
And I’m just, you know,
excited to be with my person.