Unveiling the Secrets to YouTube Success: A Journey of Creative Passion and Empowerment

What’s our secret to racking up over 650 million views on YouTube?
Given ourselves the freedom to explore our creative passions,
and YouTube empowers us to do exactly that.
Thank you to YouTube for sponsoring this video.
When we started our channel,
we enjoyed making light hearted
day in the life vlogs about our blossoming love,
from traveling to food to whatever this is.
As our audience grew,
our passions expanded to more serious videos about disability advocacy,
and thanks to these videos,
we even got invited to the White House as honored disability activists.
From ridiculous comedy shorts
to live streams where we connect with our community
to even writing about our life on our community page,
YouTube lets us follow our creative passion
which has LED to some pretty amazing moments and memories
and 660+ million views.