Adoption Song: A Testimony of Redemption and Hope

Never wept to a song in my life, ever.
The Adoption Song. No way.
I can’t listen to that song now.
Out of all songs, that one. Wow.
Adoption Song took me out,
because when I got to where god wanted me to be,
I realized I was worshipping more Satan’s version of, like,
how I should live my life.
Ah. And I’m like
listening to his dark thoughts
and his condemnation and all this stuff.
I kept thinking that I had to step up and be the hero,
but I kept failing. I kept failing
and I was like, no,
I’m just feel like god doesn’t want me,
not worthy.
And I started reading Romans and realising even Paul had this problem.
And I just started breaking down.
I was like, god, I.
I need help. And I was like,
you know what? I’m gonna stop listening to rap music,
cause like, I feel like that’s just pressing me down.
Yeah. So the first song I ever listened to,
that was like a Christian song or like an artist
that was a Christian artist.
I looked you up, I saw Adoption Song,
and I’m walking in this neighborhood and, bro,
I fell to my knees. Like,
the words rocked me. Talking to me about,
don’t listen to what he’s saying,
like, he’s all about lies.
Like, I’m getting goosebumps right now, dude.
I’m about to bawl my eyes out.
That’s why I reached out to you a few months Ago,
cause I was like, man,
like, god is using this man in such a beautiful way.