Finding Easter Eggs: The Hidden Details in the Movie Adaptation

Love finding a way to infuse little Easter eggs into the film, because,
of course, we can’t put everything from the book into the movie.
So something that I know so many fans love from the book
that didn’t make it in the movie
was the phrase just keep swimming
that Lily and Atlas shared over the course of the book.
So if you watch the movie,
look in Lily’s bedroom. On her wall,
there’s a poster. I’m not gonna say what it’s of,
but you’ll see a little homage to maybe the movie,
or the saying, if you will.
There’s also a stuffed animal that if you blink,
you might miss, but I think you’ll get it.
And then
when Lily reconnects with Atlas for the first time at root restaurant,
right by the bathroom, if you look in between them,
there is a frame on the wall with a very similar saying to that.
So look for those.