Journey Through Life: Makeup, TikTok Fame, and Personal Reflections

Let’s do my makeup while I tell you guys facts about myself.
Some of you guys might know some of this stuff,
some of you are newer,
but the last one of these I did was like two years ago,
so I wanna do another one.
I was born and raised in New Jersey,
Momoth County, New Jersey.
I always say it’s like
20 minutes away from where they filmed the Jersey Shore TV show.
I’m 23 years old. I have three sisters,
one little brother. So my siblings are 21,
11, 9 and 7 years old.
Growing up, I was really,
really shy. And I never really got into, like, sports.
It was never really my thing.
I was a theater kid for a while,
and then I quit theater. I did horseback riding,
and then when I quit that,
I did dance. Dance I stuck with the longest.
I did that all throughout high school.
I was in competitions. And like my last year of high school,
I ended up quitting because we would be at practice,
like, every night of every week until a ten PM.
And I had no time on the weekends.
And I was like, you know what?
I wanna kind of have a life.
And I’m probably not gonna be a professional dancer.
My theater days, though,
were really fun. And it LED me to go to sleepaway camp in middle school,
where it was a performing arts camp.
It was called French Woods.
Some Of you guys might know it,
but there I did theater, dance,
and I majored in circus. So I did those like,
silk rope things and then like the trapeze.
I don’t even know. I’m a Sagittarius,
my rising sign is Scorpio and my moon is Virgo.
So when I was in third grade,
my parents got divorced and I thought my world was ending.
Honestly, was the biggest blessing in disguise,
because my dad ended up getting remarried.
That’s why there’s like an age gap with my siblings,
because I got three new baby sibling.
So when I was in sixth grade,
my sister Isabel was born.
And I was so scared at first,
but I left in the middle of the school day and I went to the hospital.
And just like, holding a little baby sister,
like, it was just the most exciting thing in the world.
And weirdly, my family is very close,
we all hang out together. We’re big on did family.
But that definitely took everyone in my family
putting in a lot of effort to get us to that place.
Cause it wasn’t always that way.
I went to the same school from kindergarten to eighth grade,
so we never like, had a middle school change.
So by the time I got to eighth grade,
I was like, I wanna see and meet new people.
I struggled making friends when I was younger.
I don’t know, I was just like really shy and Then I went to high school.
That was, like,
30 minutes away from where I lived,
but I wanted to meet new people,
and I made really great friends there and also in college.
And that’s why I, like,
keep the same. Like,
I keep my circle, like,
pretty small, cause once I finally found friends,
I was like, I’m never letting you go.
Because I was the oldest child,
I definitely had it a lot stricter than a lot of my other siblings.
And I was, like,
just like the trial kid. For work,
my first job, I started in sixth grade.
I would do, like,
all summer, every summer,
worked at my family’s ice cream shop.
And then when I got into high school,
I quit that. I started working at a boutique.
I also nannied, and then I was a waitress for, like,
three days. Nanny and the waitress thing were, like,
to have a double job going as well as working at the boutique.
The waitress didn’t last very long,
because the place I worked at, um,
I couldn’t bartend, and no one was really getting food there.
And I didn’t realize that all the money you made was off of tips.
And it was, like,
as a second job anyway, and I just wasn’t making any money,
so I quit that one. And then for colleges,
I went to the university of Miami.
And I feel like that just changed so much of, like,
the Trajectory of my life.
Because I got to Miami, I was in a huge city,
and I was just like, wow.
My freshman year of college,
TikTok became an app.
And I remember downloading it before all my friends did,
and I tried everything on this app too.
Um, make a viral video.
I would do, like,
these weird acting skits in my dorm.
I also danced my way through quarantine.
It was just like, they’re really bad.
Thought I was gonna transfer my freshman year of college,
cause I got dropped from all the sororities that I wanted,
and I thought my life was over.
And then second semester my freshman year,
Covid happened, so we went home.
I’m always down for a good time,
and I also get good grades throughout college,
I always had a good GPA. I kept up with my classes,
but I was still able to, like,
go out and have a lot of fun.
Personality is very, like,
I’m a very nice, empathetic,
empathetic, empathetic person.
Um, but I’m also really fiery in the sense of, like,
if you mess with anyone that I’m close with,
I will just, like,
attack and pounce. I get very, like, protective,
but throughout, like,
my sophomore, junior year of college,
I got like, 100,000 followers on TikTok.
And then my senior year of college,
I went from, like,
going in at, like, 100,
200,000 followers, and I left with,
like, 5 million followers,
which was just the Craziest year of my life
because I fully went into my senior year of college
applying to marketing jobs.
And then I remember when I get started gaining followers,
I told my dad, I was like,
I think I could like, do TikTok as a job after college.
And he was like, literally,
what are you talking about?
He was like, I don’t want to hear any more of this.
But a big part of what changed for me with
but I was posting and gaining followers was just like,
talking online.
And that’s when I started doing these get ready with me’s
and makeup videos. And I also have always struggled with my skin.
Acne is always been a very big thing for me
since I’ve been in like, middle school.
I’ve been on Accutane three times.
A senior year of college, I was on it for a third time.
So I kind of vlogged, like,
my Accutane process. We’ve always had a lot of animals growing up.
There’s kind of like a farm going on at my dad’s house now.
We once had a pet deer. Most common thing I get when people meet me, um,
unless it’s out at like a bar or something,
is everyone always says that I’m a lot more quiet or shy
than they thought I would be,
cause I have a very, like, loud,
fun, outgoing personality.
But when I first meet people,
I am very like, I don’t know,
like it. Takes me a minute to warm up.
So then past college, I feel like I got thrown into this world
where I’m doing these interviews and stuff, and, like,
I literally, like,
half the time, like,
red carpets. I’m like,
I have no idea what’s going on or what I’m supposed to be doing.
After graduating, I started a podcast called Hot Mess.
And hot mess was, like,
my TikTok bio for the past, like,
four years. And I spent, like,
months and months
trying to figure out what a name for this podcast could be.
And we thought of everything under the sun,
and, like,
honestly, just at the end of the day,
I was like, I think Hot Mess is just the most fitting.
So I stayed in Miami after graduating.
I’m still living in Miami,
although I more so live at the airport or, like,
in hotel rooms out of my suitcase,
cause I feel like I’m always traveling.
So after graduating, I started a scholarship at the university of Miami
called the Alex Earl Scholarship,
and we have two students on it right now.
Yeah, I have no idea how I ended up here,
and I’m really grateful for it,
and that’s a little bit about me. Bye.