Exploring the Immersive World of Mike Flanagan: A Deep Dive into ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ and More

So I finally got around to seeing the fall of the house of usher. Yeah, this was amazing. And side note, I’m late. I’m so late to the party, it’s annoying. I know how late I am, but I’ve seen all of his work before and I don’t know why it took me so long to finally watch this. I didn’t see any trailer for. I didn’t see anything for this movie. So I should have saw that it was a project from him and I should have been like, oh, get right on that. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, this show is amazing. Oh, my God.

Let me start off by saying my favorite project from him is easily Midnight Mass. Has some of the best conversation pieces, some of the best exposition, some of the best setting, some of the best storytelling I’ve ever seen in a show. And this shows eight episodes, I believe Midnight Master’s eight episodes as well. And his, Mike Flanagan’s work, I feel like it’s for a specific kind of audience. If you need action packed stuff all the time, you need action and killing and all that stuff to like stay intrigued and you need Jumpscare to stay intrigued. I don’t think his work is for you, but I genuinely feel like if you are interested in dialogue heavy stuff, but like also the dialogue means so much. Like the dialogue is so important if you are into that kind of thing, his work is for you. Everything that he represents, everything that he creates is for you.

Hush the actually that’s my first introduction of him was watching the movie hush, which was a really good movie. Then after that, just like the top of the screen says, from the creator of The Haunting of the Hillhouse, phenomenal show, like easily a ton of attention. Then they came out with blind manner was like a little bit of a slow burn, but my god, the payoff was amazing. And Midnight Mass, then I think he directed Doctor Sleep as well, which is one of my favorite, like one of my favorite horror movies, even though it’s a sequel to The Shining. And of course, it’s not as great as The Shining. I think Doctor Sleep does not get enough love. That movie was spectacular.

But just going hand in hand, I truly believe that this is up there with like the best. This is up there with the Midnight Mass. This is up there with the Hill House is up there with the blind manner. This is up there with the hush, you know, it’s a movie. Same with Doctor Sleep.

This show was phenomenal. Let’s talk a little bit about the characters. Every single, what I love about my fan, again, is he uses people from his previous projects all the time. If you’ve seen Hillhouse, you’ve seen most of these characters. If you’ve seen blind manner, you’ve seen most of these characters. If you’ve seen hush, you’ve seen most of these characters. He uses a lot of the people from like different movies. Gerald’s Game, he uses like, he used them, the main, I forget her name, but the lay, the main lady in Gerald’s game is the. Spoiler alert. She’s the main, she’s the demon in this show. Let’s just get into that really quick. She’s the standout performance for me. She destroys. Her name is Verna, I believe her name is Verna, destroys it every time she is on scene. It is insane. The every character, Roderick, Vic, Camille, who else we got? Madeline or Maddie. Who else we got? The, his first wife, Annabel, was such a pure soul. Lenore, the granddaughter. Everyone was so good. Perry, all the children and all the acting was so good. It made you genuinely feel for some of these characters. Not all of them, some of them like AO, you gotta go. You’re this team. You’re clock sticking buddy. Like cuz you’re you’re terrible. You’re a terrible person. You’re gonna go and they got but overall this show the story that it told through eight episodes, the story. Auggie, too. Auggie was a great, phenomenal character. The, the, the t, not the detective, but the defense attorney, I think he was. But overall, like every character in the show was like meaningful. Every character had great setup pieces for other characters. And each episode focused on like one child cuz there were six kids and each episode focused on like on one of the kids and like their journey and how they died and stuff like that. But it’s like, eh, eh, like every story is told or every episode is still told. So like carefully it’s told so strategically, like it’s so good. I cannot stress enough how good it is. Spoiler alert again. I mean, I’ve told you already, I kind of spoiled it already, but each kid dies and they show you how some of these deaths happen. Some of them are like crazy. Like the acid club was insane. The glass for Tammy was insane. Dude with the cat, Leo with the cat was CRE. He was like, I gotta give her to this cat. But CRE, it was it was really good. It was it it was good to see like how this demon was twin with some of these characters and showing it was kind of like sins of the father and the aunt. And then literally like it shows you how they made this deal and then the deal was like, you’re gonna have unlimited wealth, you’re gonna have unlimited everything. But just know your bloodline ends with you guys, like whatever that we’re gonna save the punishment for the next generation. They agree to it. And this show just talks about like sins of the father, sins of the aunt, and then how the next generation is kind of reaping what they so like. It, it, it was very like, it was so good. They were so like, there’s so much like symbolism and so much stuff within like this whole show.

Like I said, Verna, you know who she is? I don’t know her as an actress. I’m gonna look her up after this. But you know who she is. You’ve seen her in previous projects by Mike Flanagan. You’ve seen her in previous projects in general. She’s a very talented actress. She was to stand out and then she was phenomenal. Everything about her character just screamed like, yeah, I’m gonna take over this scene. You guys just follow my lead. And it was just so good from start to finish.

I loved how things played out. I loved how it ended. I loved how just like, it was just like, you know, consequences for your actions. Like it’s like the main plot point here. And like, yeah, you’re rich, you’re famous, you have all this money, but like, does that mean you have everything? And that really goes to show you like how some of these directors take that and they run with it. There were some like really real life stuff that they were talking about in this show that I was like, , that makes me think about things a certain way. Overall, I thoroughly love the show.

Mike Flanagan does not miss. I believe you did. I’m speculating this, but I’m pretty sure he did Doctor Sleep and I’m pretty sure he did Gerald’s game. If not, I’m wrong, I apologize. But I know he did. Hillhouse know did. Blind man. I know he did. Hush. I know he did this. And I just feel like this man had, he doesn’t miss, he has not missed midnight Mass, especially midnight Mass. Oh my god. This is probably either tied for second or third place of my favorite, one of his projects, but Midnight Mass definitely is king. For sure is king. This show was phenomenal. I believe it is worth your time. Honestly, I’m gonna rate it. I’m gonna give it. I really wanna give it a 10. It was so good. I wanna give it a 10. But if I’m not gonna give, what’s it called, blind manner 10 or midnight masses at 10, I’m gonna give this a nine and a half out of 10. This show is worth your time. Every one of his projects are worth your time.

He is a master. He’s a master at creating TV shows, creating phenomenal stories to keep the audience engaged, creating crazy in depth and like attention grabbing dialogue pieces that just make you wanna just pay attention to every little piece of information that’s being talked about. He just doesn’t miss. This shows a 9.5 out of 10 easily. I know I’m late to the party, but my god, I’m so glad I finally got around to watching this. Such a phenomenal show. 9.5 out of 10 if you like horror, if you like thriller, if you like those kind of things, and if you like a good show that keeps you sucked in and invested, this is it, 9.5 out of 10. Mike, flying again. You’ve done it again. This was amazing.