A New Chapter for Tom Cruise: The Excitement Surrounding Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s Star-Studded Cast Announcement

Look, I don’t know about you guys,
but I’ve been waiting a long time for news like this.
The cast for Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s next movie
has been revealed. Tom Cruise,
Rihanna, Med,
Sophie Wild, Sandra Heweler,
Jesse freaking Plemons, John Goodman,
and Michael Stuhlbarg. Shout out to Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu.
He’s one of my favorite filmmakers.
He is a great filmmaker who’s made films like the Revenant and Birdman
or The Unexpected Virtue of ignorance,
both amazing movies.
He has also made films like 21 Grams Babel and almost famous.
While I’m excited that he’s directing the movie,
that’s not what we’re talking about.
We are talking about Tom Cruise finally being back in a movie
where he can act his ass off.
Now, look,
I love the mission impossible films as much as the next guy.
Like, I love these movies.
My two favorite being mission impossible 3
and mission impossible fallout.
And while I do think Tom Cruise is amazing in this action star role,
I think people forget to realize that
for a large portion of this man’s 40+ year career,
he was a dramatic actor. And in that stint,
he’s worked with some of the best filmmakers to ever Grace cinema.
Let’s go through some of the great films that Tom Cruise has made
with some of the world’s greatest filmmakers.
Dead or alive. Off the bat,
Stanley Kubrick with Eyes Wide Shut.
Steven Spielberg. Minority Report.
Paul Thomas Anderson. Magnolia.
Michael Mann. Collateral.
Barry Levinson. Rain Man.
Edward Swick, the Last Samurai,
Rob Reiner, A few good Men,
Jerry Maguire. Cameron Crowe,
color of money, directed by Martin Scorsese.
Born on the fourth of July,
directed by Oliver Stone. Like,
are you seeing this insane catalog,
this insane filmography of work?
Tom Cruise is one of the best actors that we’ve ever seen on screen.
He was once a dramatic actor
who then moved into the action movie space.
But now with this news,
I’m thinking that he’s going back into that dramatic actor role.
I think as Cruz gets older,
he’s going to start moving more into this dramatic actor type of role.
And I know that we just saw him do,
like, a stunt at the Olympics this year,
but, I mean,
I feel like he’s getting older,
so he’s going to be in more of these dramatic roles,
which I’ve been wanting for years now.
It’s not that I don’t think
that the mission impossible movies are fantastic,
or that a movie like Top Gun Maverick wasn’t amazing.
Like, I give this movie five stars.
It was my favorite movie of that year.
I just miss seeing Tom Cruise in a role like Magnolia
or in a role like in Eyes Wide Shut,
a role like collateral and Rain Man and the Last Samurai
and A few good Men. Jerry Maguire,
The Color of money, born on the 4th of July.
Like, I could literally do this all day,
but the point of the matter is,
I’m Just super excited to see Tom Cruise in a role like this.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu is a great director,
and it looks like Tom Cruise is gonna be surrounded by a great cast
of people, especially Riz Ahmed,
Sandra Heweler, Jesse Plemons,
and John Goodman. That is an ensemble cast if I’ve ever seen one.
Let me know in the comment section below if you’re excited for this,
because I know that I am. But with all that being said,
have a good day and watch some good movies. Peace.