Plant Shopping Adventures with Auntie: A Day of Supply Hunting and Plant Care Tips!

Okay, so
y’all spend a day with me and my auntie
as we go to get some supplies to take care of my plant babies.
And yes, we have unlocked the new auntie.
Y’all know the vibes. Okay.
But we pulled up to a local florist
because my auntie is a true plant lady, okay?
And she wanted to shop around,
look around, see what they had to offer.
But I’m not even gonna hold y’all.
After seeing a 50 dollar plant and spider mites,
we went ahead and packed our stuff up and headed on to another store.
Okay? Yeah.
So then we pulled up to Lowe’s
just to kind of see what they were talking about
and just to kind of get some basic supplies,
and surprisingly, they had a really good selection in there today.
Everything was looking well taken care of.
Nice and green, nice and nice and plush.
But, y’all,
I needed me something easy,
so I left a lot of them plants there. Okay.
But then
I did ended up getting those super cute pots in this water pot.
Then we headed over to Walmart because I was looking for a snake plant,
and I found her, so I was so happy about that.
And I ended up taking them other pots back to Lowe’s and getting these
because they were half the price,
and it was way cuter. Okay. Yeah.
Then we pulled up to Ace Hardware because I needed some nursery pots.
And lo and behold, I did not get my nursery pots,
but this lady got a whole another plant to take back home.
Okay? But then we went to my grandma house
so that she can really walk me through
the part that I was struggling with,
and that’s getting my pots planted.
And, yes,
my auntie has a YouTube channel,
so be sure to tap in and subscribe. Okay?
But as y’all can see, we had a bunch of roots on there,
so that’s how we knew that. That.
That she needed a bigger pot.
Okay? But then we just went ahead and got a lot of that old soil out,
replace it with some new soil
to make sure that the plants were nice and nourished, because, y’all,
I had not watered these plants since I got them, okay?
So they was nice and dry and thirsty.
So, yeah,
she went ahead and got me together and walk me through everything.
And like I said, we filmed a YouTube video,
so make sure y’all subscribe to her so y’all could tap in.
She even showed me how to water the plants to get everything situated.
So i’mma keep y’all posted on my plant journey, okay?
Make sure y’all tap in.