Analysis and Critique of Perk Crusher: Unpacking the Self-Declared Hero Complex

I want understand. Everyone right now is hearing this,
and they’re ready for me to spin out,
and they. I’m not the hero in the story.
I need you to stop and pause,
and I need you to remember that you liked me originally,
so be. Let me be my hero for a second, okay? Okay.
Are you gonna give us a humidor?
This is not a humidor.
Perk Crusher seems to be coping harder than ever before.
Even his wife, Leanne Crusher,
starting to become pretty sick of herself.
Her stating herself she’s sick of him doing these humiliation tactics,
was trying to narcissistically coerce the audience into liking him,
trying to convince anybody who shuns him
that they should feel sorry
for not going along with this whole act and show.
Seems like Tommy Boy
over here is even starting to get sick of it a little bit himself.
She knows you so well. It’s really.
It’s exhausting. This is.
It’s exhausting. Now, again,
I feel like I have to state this.
I don’t hate per crater. Not completely against him or anything.
Just birth, like,
the narcissism is showing.
Yeah, we get it, buddy.
You’ll always be your biggest hero in your story,
your mind. Also, bro,
I think your wife’s a better comedian than you are.
I love to know your thoughts,
opinions about all of this,
so feel free to leave those over there in the comments.