Sloane and Roan: A Twisted Tale of Dark Romance and Murder

Hey hey guys,
when I tell you that this book,
but take it easy,
please listen to me.
Is that okay?
but I think frankly,
this book guys,
I think
that. That.
She never finished this sentence.
So we’ll follow Sloane and Roman,
2 murderers,
but these are murderers.
Right here, basically,
it kills,
but it kills some.
Serial killers,
so they are murderers.
Right here.
Did you get the leases?
This is how our 2 totoros are met,
they are met during a mission that Blackbird slash,
the slash,
Sloane almost missed
and it’s Sloane,
no no,
it’s Roan
slash butcher who saved him.
Ha ha ha ha! Never again,
never again,
are you embarrassing right now.
Anyway, after that,
they will set up 1 competition which is 1 little.
In short, every year,
they will basically find themselves
to kill someone.
so they will choose 1 target
and the first one to kill her won,
But then each one has his own delusions,
you see.
And that over several years.
That’s it,
so they’ll kill themselves
a lot of me,
but then.
Like wesh,
they’re serial killers.
Brother, uh, there you go.
And of course, you see,
they are already 1 little attracted to each other and cetera,
et cetera.
And there we will face 1 slobian.
Like over several years,
it’s really 1
but the more their relationship,
it advances,
plus the corpses.
And the ghosts
have not said their last word.
Is that French?
Isn’t that French,
I enjoyed it so much.
How to tell you that I enjoyed it so much.
, guys,
is because we usually agree,
despite the violence,
despite the brutality of the 2 characters.
They are so sweet,
they are so romantic too.
Like, really,
there is no violence. In any case,
it’s just that.
In fact,
violence is only.
Usually, we agree,
it’s a little violence,
1 little brutality in mode.
Here, I push you a little,
I hit you a little.
While there.
Like, I swear
that sweetness,
there is.
There’s no violence between them here.
It’s only sweetness.
despite the darkness that surrounds them,
they are. Oh,
is that.
Do they. I already said,
they are so sweet between.
Yes, ma’am, they are.
I am in love with their couple too.
his little here.
No, no,
Oh both,
his little piece et cetera.
I’m going to be wrong.
She’s a bit of a pervert.
it’s 1 slobeur,
it’s 1 little warm and all.
I love it.
Hey guys, when I tell you, I love it,
I really love the story.
It is super.
Like there is no length,
there is no.
There is no fashion.
Okay, uh. Hurry up,
Because obviously.
No but please,
are you my head or are you also too much what I put,
like so much.
I tell you, is it
that I have already told you that they are very romantic,
very sweet? Yes mashed potatoes
the madness! The story,
it is super interesting,
like there is always action and cetera.
It reads super fast,
like it’s really like bread and like bread.
Thanks, frankly,
I enjoyed it so much,
I had a great time.
Really, my reading,
she was amazing,
I loved it so much.
After of course,
it is 1 dark romance,
it’s like very detailed scenes,
very hard,
take care of yourself.
at least I said the one who reads
knowing that there is no cardio,
there is no heart,
you will see.
In short,
the opening at the end of the book,
there, the kid, the kid,
the little taste of volume 2,
I can’t wait.
Frankly, ma’am,
what is the name of the loser?
But if you met him,
did you?
Did you meet him?
Brine Brine Weaver brine Weaver,
You Kill It?