An Unforgettable Evening: A Tinder Date with Chaos

What’s your best story?
I was with 1 girl I’m going to put on Tinder,
I went to see her at her house
and then,
uh. So uh.
Finally already we spend some small moments in town,
we drink 1 small glass and cetera.
I’ll meet her at home. We’ll,
we go to her house afterwards.
And then,
as soon as I walk in,
1 smell already of dog wet to death.
She had 2 big kleps,
2 malinois.
Already the dogs,
1 little attack
and really 1 smell that takes me in the nose,
it is 1 catastrophe.
And so the evening happens.
We make our leases,
I try to think of something other than dogs.
Already while we were doing our leases,
the dogs were uh.
Half on the bed with us.
I tried to clear the hell out of it.
After the bails,
we fall asleep,
I wake up because
his intercom was beeping every 30 seconds,
beeps deafening every 30 seconds,
because his intercom was broken.
Oh yes, okay,
already there it started well.
I go to the bathroom to get
pass 1 shot of water on the face.
I open the light.
What do I see in the.
In the sink?
Cat droppings,
because she had cats at home,
she was playing.
Cat droppings,
I say come on it’s ciao,
I took my stuff,
at 3pm I broke,
I went home to sleep
because I couldn’t stay there,
I couldn’t.