Kamala Harris’s Future-Dwelling DNC Speech: A Glimpse into Tomorrow

I’ve come from the near future
to tell you about Kamala Harris’s speech at the last night of the DNC.
That speech is tonight. Prove you’re from the future.
Very well.
Keanu, you left him burning last night.
Okay, I believe you.
Did she mention Biden? Yeah,
she thanked him right at the top of the speech.
Did she talk about Gaza? She said
she will always ensure that Israel has the ability to defend itself,
while also calling for a ceasefire
and for the suffering in Gaza to end.
Does she bring up her career as a prosecutor,
which many people are expecting?
Oh, yeah.
This is one of the reasons I became a prosecutor.
As a prosecutor. As a young courtroom prosecutor.
Governor Newsom says he hopes she lays out her vision for the future.
Does she? Yes.
I will bring together labor and workers and small business owners,
and we will end America’s housing shortage
and protect Social Security and Medicare.
Thank you for sharing my immediate future with me.
No problem. Can I stay a while and create a paradox?
No. Get out.