Stepping into a New Era: Reflections on Performing ‘I’m Like a Bird’ at OVO Fest

What did it feel like
when you walked out to OVO Fest and performed I’m like A bird
in front of that crowd?
Cause I’m sure they were not expecting that at all.
I told Drake, I was like,
are you sure? Why are we doing I’m like A bird?
Here’s what I thought. I was like, Drake,
why don’t I do, like,
one of your songs? Like,
you know, I got bars,
you know? And then he’s like, hmm,
no, we don’t have enough time to rehearse that.
Like, that’s not gonna go off right?
And he’s like,
first off, I’m like A bird.
It was like, no,
we should do I’m like A bird.
And I was like, really?
Are you sure? What about promiscuous?
That could be cool. And he’s like, yeah,
but for sure, you gotta do I’m like A bird.
And I was really hesitant do I’m like A bird.
Looks like you said,
I don’t know. Like,
I just. Like.
It’s just out of context. Like,
I just didn’t know. What?
You don’t need context. It’s gonna bring me to tears.
It’s one of the greatest songs ever.
Yeah, like that. The context is the song
he’s trying to explain. So like I said,
I can’t really. I don’t.
I don’t know. Right?
So I just got out there and then it is true that we did on like A bird,
and it was a real moment.
And he’s literally like, I Told you so,
you know, like, um. Yeah, so.
So that was a good moment for me
because I’ve done a lot of work on myself internally,
I would say, up into the years,
those five years not being on stage.
And so when I got out there,
what hit me was, oh my god,
I’m a totally different woman now,
you know, like,
I can receive this, I can be here,
I can be present in a different way.
I have so much more to offer at this job that, wow,
I guess I was pretty good at this at one point,
you know what I mean? And like,
what if I bring all this new knowledge about myself,
all this new confidence, all this new self love into like,
what I’m doing now? Like,
you know, and then I think I just leaned into that, like, wow,
I’m a whole new person in the studio,
cause I got new boundaries,
I got new stuff of. I know, like,
I know, like I.
I just like, more in control,
more in charge, more. Like,
I always was confident, obviously.
Like, I was always like that confident kid,
but like, this was a different kind,
like from the. From within, right? Totally.