Finding My Voice: A Message of Appreciation and Identity

look I know it’s the sincerest form of flattery
but this is this
this is this isn’t me
I did try um
but of course
they didn’t violate any community guidelines
so so I appreciate uh
some of you who’ve already reached out
but uh yeah
I uh
I may not be the best writer
but I I do know how to put a space um after period
most of the time maybe not gauge it from that
so if you get random ass messages from me like
like this um
just uh
check check
check for the username I guess
I I do hope you guys never stop believing in my book aspirations though
so uh
they got that right so
unless you’re in the discord with us
um I’m probably not gonna say stuff like this
probably not gonna say stuff like this anyway
honey Jesus
but last time
it’s not it’s not me
so I appreciate everyone for reaching out