5 Foods to Avoid for High Functioning Depression: A Guide to Eating for Mental Health

Food is medicine. Here are five foods that you should stay away from
because they may contribute to high functioning depression.
Fruit juice. When people juice,
they’re getting rid of the best thing,
the fiber. So it’s better to eat fruit,
because even if fruit has sugar,
you’re at least getting fiber.
Soda. Soda is loaded with sugar,
and having all of that processed sugar
leads to inflammation and diabetes,
and that’s linked to depression.
Toast. When you eat regular white toast,
you’re getting a lot of simple carbohydrates,
and that’s also sugar. Sugar is linked to worsen depression,
worsen inflammation, worsen memory,
and also worsen mood.
So you want to make sure that you’re getting whole grains,
that you’re getting fiber if you’re having toast.
Ketchup. Ketchup actually has a lot of artificial stuff in there
that can cause inflammation.
So if you want to get your sauces,
try to get something that doesn’t have a lot of processed ingredients.
Processed meats. Now,
this one’s a bit surprising.
We think that it’s like a low calorie,
high protein snack,
but there are a lot of processed chemicals in these processed meats.
So it’s best to have regular grilled meats.
Nothing too processed, nothing too salty,
because that may lead to inflammation and contribute to depression.
Did anything on this list surprise you?
I am a firm believer that food is medicine,
and I’ll roll out some more tips for you.