Navigating the Blake Lively Controversy: Unveiling the Hidden Truths and Beautiful Messages

going back on the Blake Lively train here for one minute
or probably a couple videos and clips
and things Blake have said on the same exact days
that the bad things she has said
or the tone deaf things she has said
things have come out that she have said that are beautiful
that are in touch with what the books were about
what the movie should be about
I think the PR team wanted to go one direction
and that’s what the PR team focused on
and then everybody’s like whoa
Blake’s tone deaf she didn’t get what the movie went
no I think that’s what the PR team fed her
and I think Blake did understand the assignment
but the PR team wanted to push the movie in a different direction
whether Blake had input on that
I’m not sure
but their stuff coming out from the same exact days
so it’s not her like making new stuff up to backtrack
she said all that stuff they just hit it
and now they’re like oh
let’s bring up the other stuff that she said and let’s go this direction instead
I’m getting really frustrated that people are like
so irritated that the PR team
and the publicity and the marketing team just went this direction
and everybody’s like oh
they’re backtracking but from the day one
she’s been beautiful and she’s been whole
and she’s been understanding about this movie
but the marketing and what’s been viral
just hasn’t shown that side now
as far as that one interview back in the day about the whole bump thing
snarky yes
the rest of the interview though
like I’m not quite seeing the issue
was it rude that they ignored the interview person
yeah sure
but that interview they had a list gone out to the people doing the interviews
of what they weren’t supposed to talk about
and that lady just immediately like disregarded that
I know from being in the public sector
like doing speeches doing public speaking
there’s things that you can and cannot say
when you go on the news when you have the opportunity to talk to somebody
like you try not to go off script
and that’s what happened there
so it’s like whatever
she was a bitch like
she’s gonna eat that but that was eight years ago
live learn
let’s focus on today so we’re not being all negative
Nancy’s living and dwelling in the past
cause that’s not good energy
but right here and now
there was beautiful things happening
but the marketing team obviously wanted to focus on something
and that’s what they did
and other things were said that were great and beautiful and wonderful
and whatever else happened
who the freak knows
but I also think it’s Hollywood and they are feeding into this
because all publicity is good publicity
and people are gonna go see the movie to support Justin and it is what it is