Mastering the Handstand: A Detailed Training Method

This week
I’ve been working quite a particular method with my handstand clients.
So the first exercise is to come to the wall
and make this rounded front support position.
You’re gonna drop through your shoulders and then go for this pattern.
So you relax down, breathe in,
breathe out, draw in the stomach,
push through the shoulders.
Little breath in, breathe out,
draw in the stomach and push through the shoulders.
You really want to work on that coordination.
Out breath, stomach in,
push through the shoulders.
And then we can work on the same thing when we’re up in the handstand.
So I draw in my stomach, push up through my shoulders,
and that takes me off the wall again.
Breathe in, breathe out,
draw in, push up.
It’s the out breath. You breathe out,
draw in the stomach, and as you’re doing that,
push up into that sensation with your shoulders,
and that will lift you up into the handstand with a bit of time.