Title: Inside Scoop: How the Collaboration Between WWE and TNA Began

You mentioned it earlier
with getting Jordan Grace into the Royal Rumble.
Where did the conversations begin with WWE? And.
And what made them open to having these conversations to work with TNA?
Uh, I.
I reached out to somebody at WWE. Um,
I talked to Ed Norton Holmes,
Chief Corporate Officer at anthem,
and said, I think,
you know, I was thinking this.
You know, I was talking to a friend, and, like,
I think it’s. It’s.
It’s like the timing is right to.
To reach out. So I reached out to a friend of mine there and said, hey,
like, this is what I’m thinking.
Blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah.
And they’re like, yeah,
like, I think it all makes sense.
We talked for a little bit,
and they. They said,
um, said,
how you gonna handle it? I said, well,
um, if you’re willing,
I would like you to, you know,
be the person to take it forward and.
And see if there’s any interest and kind of, like.
Just kind of, like,
laid out and, you know, didn’t.
Did not. A former proposal, right.
Talked about a little bit.
Shot something, you know,
very Point Blank or point.
Point form. Not Point Blank.
Point form. Like this,
this, this, this.
You know, worth having a conversation.
And I got a text from Triple H,
and we set up, had a chat,
you know, kind of just said, hey,
it’s a whole new world out there.
Let’s explore things. You know,
I think. I think if you look at what WWE,
in the direction it’s been going with.
With Paul and. And Nick at the helm,
I think you see a lot of changes,
and I think you see a lot of business being done differently.
Um, you would not see this TNA collaboration that.
That I’m proud to have been part of,
of starting go the way it has,
the way you’ve seen it.
You wouldn’t see AJ Styles over in Noah wrestling,
Marufuji or any of this stuff.
Yeah, it’s just such.
It’s just such a obvious,
you know, that with the changing of the guard,
there’s been a changing of philosophies on how things should be. So,
you know, it’s, uh.
That’s really just how it started.
Then it went from there and it was very much a,
hey, man,
we’re open. Um,
it’s a different, different time.