Poetic Perspectives: Finding Strength and Consistency in Self-Reflection

I don’t got bars, I got perspectives.
It never rested. I hope when I find peace,
my stomach can digest it. I only judge me off my metrics.
Cause they’ll use their standards to make you die, peasant.
If it don’t feel right, I’m quick to dip.
Check the triceps, bitch.
Dudes overpaid. But it’s made me stronger.
Your hands overplayed. If you play me formally,
all of my negative impulses,
they try to corner me. But on the corners,
where I Learned the shit, I’ll beat performance.
See, the regular is toxic,
but I beat the normalcy. This fame should be boring me.
I like mommy visuals, so she present orally.
The pussy mean. But it showed that.
That I lean on me more than me.
Sometimes it get loud. You can hear the truth from a distance.
You know, I ain’t too proud.
But I don’t pick and choose.
I’m consistent.
I got my two feet down. Work for it. I don’t gotta wish it