A Political Exchange: From Endorsements to Administration Seats

I cannot believe that
I got my hands on live footage around what happened with RFK Junior
hey Kamala
so no one is voting for me
so I was thinking I would drop out of this race and endorse you
you know what RFK
I have a lot of stuff going on right now
I am trying to get some prisoners released from Russia
I just don’t have time for this nonsense
we are not interested in your endorsement
hey Donald
I can give you my tens of voters in exchange for a spot in your administration
Bobby let me tell you something
your endorsement this is huge
we’re gonna do big big things together
you’re a winner just like me
you got those tens of voters all on your own
after what that Democratic Party did to you
it’s shameful so you let me know what you want in the administration
you want health in human services
you want defence you want transportation you got it