Skateboard Mishap: A Comedy of Errors

You think your job is hard?
I’ve been working in an office all day.
That’s what my hands look like.
No, what actually happened is I fell off a skateboard.
Look before you come at me, right?
I was wearing the proper PPE,
which is a helmet. So I was wearing a helmet.
I probably should have been wearing gloves,
but I was wearing a helmet.
Uh, it was electric skateboard.
Not my electric skateboard.
And those things have brakes on them.
Well, I didn’t realize that the brakes, like,
stop you like instantly.
So I hit the brake on the little controller thing and
yeah, that’s what happened, so.
Oh, also
I got a hole now.
Unserviceable uniform.
Wall to wall counseling.
It’s all my platoon leaders fault because he keep. Haha.
He was like, you want to try skateboard?
I’m like, yeah, sure,
I’ll try it. He’s like,
you should try it on level 4,
which is like the highest level.
I’m like, yeah, sure,
why not?
Uh, and that’s what I crashed on.
Then I come back, he’s like, yeah,
I don’t even write it on this level 4.
So why did you put me on level 4?
I, I,
I never even ridden a skateboard.
Unfortunately, nobody recorded it
because I know y’all would have enjoyed watching that.
I’m sorry. Maybe next time.