Optimizing School Year Organization with Chat GPT: A Seventh Grade General Music Curriculum Breakdown

Chat GPT just planned out my entire school year
did you know you can upload your school calendar
okay so here’s how I did this
I inputted all the units that I teach during the year
and then that I have class once every three days
then I asked it to rewrite it for the three different sections of the class
I have three different days
so one starts in day one day 2
and the day 3
then it gave me exactly when I have those classes based on our schedule
and then I asked it to rewrite it in table
and here’s what I got now
is it perfect no
cause I gotta write in like okay
when am I doing a test etcetera
some of them might vary in length
but this is my entire seventh grade general music curriculum
with day 1 day 2
day 3 work smarter not harder