Adventures in Music Festival Sneakery: The DJ Impostor

I’m gonna try to sneak into a music festival for free
by pretending that I’m a DJ
to look the part.
I rented a private chauffeur and drove to the artist entrance.
We just got in the first gate.
That’s insane. Then we hopped out of the car,
started walking towards the first security checkpoint,
because I wasn’t just trying to get in,
I was trying to get on stage.
They let us through,
and then my friend asked for a private artist golf cart.
I need a golf cart to go pick my towel up.
And they actually got us one.
They drove us into the VIP entrance under the stadium,
and I was just trying to keep my cool.
Eventually, they dropped us off at this artist compound,
where we were handed off to the head of security.
This guy was absolutely grilling us,
and it was looking like we were about to get caught.
What? I’m concerned about some.
Why you guys don’t have any predictions?
We told him I was supposed to be on stage in 15 minutes.
Ice track and a special marshal.
And then he started ushering us through the stadium.
We passed by a bunch more security checkpoints,
and the whole time, I was praying we wouldn’t get caught.
We got to the stage
where more security showed up to escort me into the booth,
where I finally made it on stage,
but this guy found out I actually wasn’t marshmallow.
And then He ripped my helmet off,
and we ran out of the bus.
Oh, my god!
Oh, my god!