Handcrafting a Moana Ring: From Cutting to Finishing Touches

Let’s make this ring together.
They ordered a size 9, Moana.
I made a Mark right here. So now we need to cut it to size.
Cutting them is by far my favorite part of the process.
You want to know what my second favorite is?
My second favorite is breaking them apart.
Sorry for flipping y’all off in the last clip,
but now I need to use the belt sander to take the sharp edge off.
This edge has been smoothed out,
and now it’s ready to be bent into a ring.
I get a lot of questions
asking why I named particular designs particular names.
And the honest reason is most designs
are just named after the first thing I thought of when I saw it.
Now that we’re finished bending this ring,
we can check the size. And it came out to an absolutely perfect size 9.
The next step will be to polish this ring to a beautiful finish.
Just take a second to appreciate the details in this ring.
Thank you all so much for watching.
If you’re interested in any of my rings, the link is in my bio.