Lens Review: A Photographer’s Frustration with Canon’s Zoom Ring Placement

hey guys
quick review on this lens
I rented it because I wanted to try it out before I bought it
and I didn’t like it and I’ll tell you why
obviously it’s a pretty penny
so if you’re gonna buy it
you wanna love it so typically I shoot prime lenses
so I don’t really have a zoom on many of the lenses I use on wedding day
however this vocal length is a must for wedding ceremonies
so I have to have it in my kit
I have two other zoom lenses from Canon
but over the course of my career
I probably had four or five
and this is the first one where they put the zoom ring second
and the focus ring first typically
these are switched so as I’m shooting
I’m constantly going for that first ring thinking it’s the zoom
and it’s actually really slowing me down
because I’m having to reach further to adjust the zoom on the second ring
now I’m super curious about this
I looked it up online to see if other people were talking about it
because this seriously slowed me down
and I’m not gonna buy this lens because I cannot stand it
does anyone else have this lens
have you experienced the same kind of hiccup here
or did you get used to it and you don’t mind it