Breaking the Cycle: A Review of ‘It Ends with Us’ Starring Blake Lively

hey so I saw the new um
Blake Lively film it ends with us the other day
which is about breaking blah blah blah
which is about breaking the cycle of abuse
um because in the movie
in the book Blake Lively’s character Lily Bloom
the florist
she’s not a baker she’s a florist
of course
the name right Lily Bloom
um I haven’t read the book
but yeah um
and I really liked it because
I find that like my generation
millennials were tryna break the cycle with our kids
not necessarily that we were all abused or anything
just that like we’re tryna be more emotionally um
intuitive with them yeah like more
holistic and kind of
not as much of a you know
yelling at them and and making them feel bad for
fucking up or something um
anyway that’s a whole other topic
but I really like the film
I loved Blake Lively Lively’s um
wardrobe those are the sort of clothes that I would wear
I know it kinda look like she had just sort of
picked a whole lot of stuff off at the Hurricane
with the floor but anyway
um some of that I could relate to um
I mean you know
abuse isn’t just physical
it’s also emotional financial sometimes and also mental
you know um
yeah it was interesting
um I’ve actually helped a friend in the past who left the TV situation
actually helped her leave and
gave her shelter for a few days and yeah
so it’s very common um you know and
I don’t really have plans to read the book
because I’m not the biggest fan of domestic noir
which is the genre and trust me
I’m a librarian so I know the genre but um
I do read domestic more if it is something that I’m interested in um
maybe I might read it at some point but then if I read it
I’m gonna see Blake Lively as Lily and the other characters
do you know what I mean
like I like to read a book and and imagine the characters for myself
one successful example was um
it’s gonna be off topic
but you know the movie it the remake Stephen King book book is fantastic right
the original with Tim Curry is good
but I actually prefer the newer ones with Jessica Chastain and actually
this is so funny but the whole time that I read the book
and then reread it after seeing the most recent sorry
I reread it after seeing the first one when their kids like about
I think it was like five or six years ago
when I reread it I actually saw basically Jessica Chastain kind of in my head
and then when I found out they done the casting
I was like oh my God so they got the costume pretty right with that
yeah um
but yeah so I went I went and saw that yeah
what did everybody else think