Title: Pronto: A Comedic Encounter with the Donut Dilemma

I know I haven’t been around in a while
I am taking a very well deserved break okay
what do you want
oh no
not the couch guy I am not doing the couch guy
no no no
not the couch guy
I just got the attention of the freaking pope
haven’t I done enough
okay send me a video
there’s something wrong with this guy
you go to a shop of the donuts
and you don’t know what kind of donut you want
it’s a donut
come si dice sprinkle
Boston cream
what is a donut
it’s kind of like a zeppole no?
I cannot do this
he’s come si dice
no this guy is no gaee
he’s not cool enough to be gaee
not even a little gaee
si he wear eyeliner but he no gaee
buona fortuna