Unraveling the Drama: J. Balvin’s Response to Bad Bunny’s Thundery Lightning Lyrics

This is the tea that I’m talking about,
because J. Balvin just did an interview,
and somebody finally had the guts to.
I asked him about the drama between him and Bad Bunny.
And that lyric that Bad Bunny did about him in his song
Thundery Lightning. If you guys have no idea what I’m talking about,
and you have no idea what the drama is about.
Basically, Bad Bunny had released a new album called Nadi Sabri Loki
papa SAR Manana. Now,
on that album, he had a song called Thundery Lightning going,
A lot of you carry on. And at the end of that song,
he put some lyrics that some people took as a diss towards Dave Alvin.
Now, the lyric went,
J. Balvin.
Now, J.
Balvin did talk about it once in a live
where he was basically like,
I don’t know why he’s, like,
out here saying those things.
And he took it personally.
Right? But now,
obviously, J.
Balvin is out here doing press for his new album, Rajo.
So he basically had to come out and say in public
how he felt with alofoke. Now,
if you guys didn’t see the interview,
that’s what I’m here for. So I’m gonna play that clip for you guys,
and you let me know what you feel about it.
Qué VA a pasar mañana? De que ah,
amigo Como balvin, tomaste a mal o tomaste bien?
Porque hiciste un en vivo?
Pues obviamente tema con. Con Eladio sí entendí el sentido.
Pues porque dice que el amigo dice que el amigo amigo de todo el Mundo
no es amigo de nadie. Ujum.
Pero sí somos muy buen amigo.
Y no me arrepiento de ser buen amigo.
Y soy,
fui soy y seré un buen amigo.
No puedo IR en contra de. De.
De LA educación de mi ética,
de mi moral. No soy un santo ni mucho menos.
Tengo errores muchísimos, pero no.
O en esta industria
Es muy difícil. Es muy difícil. Ser yo.
I know you guys love me to translate it,
and I will, but before I get into that,
I want you guys to pay attention to that part where I told you,
like, pay attention to his reaction,
because he looks off to the side
and you already know that he’s looking at his team like, mother,
like he didn’t want them to ask him that question.
And he’s. When he’s like.
So basically, for anybody who didn’t understand the question,
Alfonso was like,
how did you feel when you heard that line of bad bunnies?
Like, what was your reaction?
I know that you did live, but what was going on there? Now,
obviously, J.
Balvin was sweating about it,
and he was like, you know,
well, obviously I didn’t take it well, because,
you know,
they say that people that are friends to everyone is a friend of none.
But I don’t regret being a good friend
and I feel like I’m a very good friend. Now,
I’m not a saint, but I feel like I do my best, and,
you know, I always follow my ethics and morals,
and I can’t go against that.
I believe the guy off to the side was like,
you know, especially in the industry, right?
He’s like, yeah,
in the industry, it’s very,
very hard. And then he said,
I bet you anything that we would just switch lives for a day,
and at the end of the day,
you would be begging to take your life back.
if I wasn’t curious already about what happened with Bad Bunny and J.
Balvin, that he would say this and that he would react this way,
I’m so curious now. Like,
the Chief, Mosey and me is like,
what the hell happened? What was the breakdown there?
Because they were like. Because these.
Before they made oases together.
They were seen together, they came up together.
So I’m very curious about this,
but I’m very curious about your opinions, guys.
Let me know what you guys think.
Was the falling out? What do you think about his reaction?
Very demure, very mindful.
What do you think? Let me know down below in the comments.
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cheese man and all things tea.