The Unseen JFK: A Closer Look at Artifacts and Memorabilia at the Historic Auto Attractions Museum

Today I have a few more things for you JFK fans.
Some of you were asking about
a few more items here that I haven’t shown you yet.
We’re back at Historic Auto Attractions Museum in Roscoe,
Illinois. And this right here is a John F.
Kennedy suit that he wore during his presidency.
Right next to it, this is one he wore in during his time in the Senate.
And over here are some other random JFK, White House,
Air Force One items.
And here’s some original JFK for president hats.
That was a big thing back in the day.
Not so much anymore.
Couldn’t really see too many people wearing plastic or paper hats
Air Force One co pilot,
a hat. And some instrument certificates.
And here is a wax figure of Bobby Kennedy.