Embracing Authenticity: Breaking Stereotypes Around Femininity and Intelligence

You’re saying, well, it sounds like she’s saying all the right things. But when I scroll down her page, it’s a different vibe.

I don’t know if her words is matching up with the things that she. Sam. And my thing is this, especially with two women, y’all are so on track minded. It’s ridiculous. It’s not that you’re confused about the vibe that’s on my page.

It’s the fact that when y’all see a pretty woman, y’all expect her to only act in a pretty way. Y’all expect her to just be up there, be sexy, be cute, do get ready with me.

And I got this top from such and my lip glosses from such and such. And oh, such and such that my hair. And that’s what I used to. Y’all are not used to seeing a physically attractive woman be bold. Y’all are not used to seeing her be authentic. Y’all are not used to seeing her be real.

Y’all are not used to seeing her in masculine energy. You’re not used to that. You’ll only want to see pretty women do pretty women things. So when you see a girl be pretty and speak in an intelligent way, now you only want to see one side of her. That’s not what the case is on this page, love.

I am very much so physically attractive, very feminine, very masculine. My energies are very well balanced on this page. So you think because I’m speaking one way that I should be, what, covered up somewhere sitting in the corner acting like a nun? No. That’s what makes me very reliable because I’m very authentic.

I’m real. I want these young girls to understand that you don’t have to just be one certain kind of way.

Kelly Rowland is a very sexy individual, very elegant, very classy. She’s still gonna have fun. We’ve seen every aspect of Kelly Rowland. However, we’ve never seen her act and carry herself the way sexy red carries herself. So, which I gotta understand as women, there is levels.

It’s never been about what you do, but how you do it. It’s never been about what you wear. How you wear it. Yeah, you could still show a little bit of skin, you sexy baby sexy. Nobody’s trying to rob you. All of your girl life and your girl cart.

So if you think for one second that I don’t have fun like any other woman, you bug in. And that’s probably why you scrolling down my pairs like, oh my God, wait a minute. It’s cuz I’m cute. Because if I wasn’t that attractive, up for giving you all this type of knowledge, y’all wouldn’t take it so offensive.

Y’all look for any and every reason as to why you can’t receive the message, but you don’t got to cuz the first thing y’all wanna say is what? We’re your man. Now why you ain’t this? Why you ain’t that, babe, you don’t see me appear with no hate speeches against men either. You don’t see me having no issues with men.

I don’t have no issues with men in real life. Y’all do. I’m not the one that’s up here complaining about how men and y’all are. I’m fine. Men are fine with me and I’m fine with men.

I believe that I’m the perfect woman for the job to get through to the young girls simply because I’m relatable. I don’t want them to think that you have to just do it this one way, baby.

You could still do everything that girls like to do. We like to have fun, but be self aware. Have fun, but keep your class in your wallet. Have fun, but don’t forget your standards and your morals at home when you step out. That’s the point. So you’re not gonna box me in as to what you think I should be presenting on the page. Just because you see intelligence following sexiness, intelligence following prettiness. No, babe, I’m gonna be every woman just like Whitney Houston.

And if I mistaken, Winnie Houston was a Leo, too. This is the thing in a nutshell. I’m not perfect, but I’m real. And I think people can see that authenticity going in every time. I’m not out here trying to duplicate nothing else. It is okay to be sexy. It’s okay to have fun.

It’s okay to go outside. It’s okay to show a little bit of skin. It’s okay to go get you a drink. It’s okay to do all of that. Just be classy while doing it. Be a Kelly Rowland. Don’t be no sexy red. Is that simple?

Better yet, be what you wanna be and keep on complaining. I was about to pull off, bust out laughing cuz I’m like, I know what got her confused on this page. My page is kind of funny because you will scroll, you will see me looking super sexy, then you will keep scrolling. I got on a nice little blazer standing with the kids, you know, with the youth. I’m a braiding instructor. I give braiding classes back home, you know, so I’m working with them, trying to give them some knowledge on how to get their own money.

Then if you keep scrolling, you got me yelling sometimes at people when they piss me off. Got girl. I’m so, you know what? You are a little confused because this page is just a little too real. It’s like, oh my God, look at that. It’s a real woman. She is Eric.

She is work. Well, you know what? I got some free.