Prepping and Planning: A Guide to Meal Preparation and Organization

Food prep. I said to you,
I’m gonna start preparing my food so that I have a better week.
So whether you wanna eat healthy,
if you’re doing any particular weight loss plan,
you’ve got to prepare. Okay,
so what I did, I went to Morrisons the other day,
and I got the stir fry, and I got some noodles and the bean shoots.
Well, I got those from the cart.
They need to be enough. And I’ve got some prawns and some soy sauce.
Now I’m heading into London,
so I am going to cook all this now,
and I think there might be enough for two meals here.
Um, and I’m gonna eat it.
I’m gonna eat my portion before I go.
What I have done this morning in the oven is cook two jacket potatoes.
So when I get in tonight, I’ve got a jacket potato ready to have beans,
tuna, whatever I want with.
I’ll probably do a video on that later.
Tomorrow. I’m gonna have a cooked breakfast,
but then I’m going to football
and straight out to a party in the evening.
So I’ve done another jacket potato.
This is all part of the prep,
which, again,
I will either have the tuna or the beans or whatever on before I go.
So what I’m trying to do is think ahead,
not think. Open that fridge door and think, oh,
what am I gonna have?
So I’ll get this going and I’ll show you What it’s like.
Just had a look.
The noodles are a sin a pack if you’re doing Slimming World.
And I really like this rub,
so I might put a little bit of this in.
It’s half a sim for a level teaspoon,
so I might pop that in, um,
with some of that just to spice it up a bit so it’s not so bland.
So I’ve taken it off the heat
and I’m gonna add in the prawns and the paper.
But why shouldn’t we.
And then sprinkle away with the soy sauce on there like that,
and then mix it all in. And look at all this.
I know. I put the extra bean shoots in.
There is so much here and knowing.
But I can get a good couple of meals out of.
This is absolutely amazing.
It looks huge on there. It isn’t.
It’s a normal size meal, but for some reason when you do a video,
I suppose it’s cause it’s close to the camera.
Anyway, I’m just gonna give it a try.
And can I just say
there are way more prawns in here than what there would be if you
at this out in a restaurant.
That is good. I don’t want to talk with my mouthful.
And what I’ve done,
this is half and the other half is on the plate.
I’m gonna cover it with cling film and put it in the fridge.
So I’ve got two meals ready.
For tomorrow. Now,
my jacket, potato
and the other half of this stir fry.
So that is what the key is,
isn’t it? It’s prepping and planning