The True Motives Behind a Presidential Campaign: Self-Interest Over Public Good

when someone shows you who they are
believe them and at some point
people just need to acknowledge that
the reason this man is running for president
is because it’s helping him get rich
he’s literally selling endorsement
so the candidates that he is telling people to vote for
aren’t necessarily the people that he believes are going to be best for them
it’s the people who give him money
he has funneled $28 million in campaign donations into his own businesses
the more money they spend
the more he’s willing to support them
literally look at the amount of money that federal campaign committees
and political action committees are spending at Trump’s businesses
there’s another example of this
I’ve shared this previously
but he owes nearly $2 million to various cities in which he’s held rallies
and that’s money that is going to working class Americans in those small towns
to police officers to the people who are working at those venues
and if he’s not paying them
then guess who’s picking up the Bill
the taxpayers in those communities
I mean y’all
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again
that this man doesn’t actually care about being a president
and making this country better
he runs for president because it is lucrative and because it stokes his ego
he likes experience of being on TV
he likes getting attention
and he knows he is going to be fine either way
but this sure is a good way for him to make all sorts of money
I mean this is why I always laugh when people say he’s a good businessman
because he’s not what he is good at is taking advantage of people
people keep talking about what a good businessman he is
yet he has had to bankrupt four of his businesses
forty one percent of small business owners support this man
even though he has had a habit throughout his career
of taking advantage of small business owners
this man has shown over and over again
that he does not actually care about being president
he just cares about power
about attention about making money
ultimately every step of the way
he gets to where he is by taking advantage of the little guy
so why would the little guys in the US suddenly imagine
that this man will do anything to make their lives better
when you have decades of evidence to the contrary
if he wanted to he would
and he has shown that he won’t