Title: Reviewing Lilliana’s Instagram: A Model’s Social Media Presence Unveiled and Analyzed

Today, we’re gonna be reviewing Lilliana’s Instagram. She’s a model from London. And we’re gonna see if she has a good Instagram or a bad Instagram. My name is Brandon Andre. I’m a model photographer and a model developer from Los Angeles. And I help models make more money and get signed. Okay, so the first most obvious thing is that she’s in a different market when you compare it to other people who are on the States, which I think everyone that I’ve done so far has been in the United States. She’s not, she’s in London, different market. So we have to analyze things in the context of the London market cuz she’s not in LA, she’s not New York, totally different.

That being said, I love all of your photos. I love your look as a model. I think you have a very timeless look for sure. Like, I definitely see you doing high fashion and you already are doing it. So you have your digitals here, which are taken in 2023. And you just have like these really cool Moody shots. Like a lot of your images are pretty sick. I get an idea of exactly what you look like and what I would be able to do with you as a model. And if I’m a brand and I’m on your Instagram, I get a very clear picture of what you look like.

The only thing that I would say as I was going through your Instagram feed is I think that you definitely have mono face. If you guys don’t know what mono faces is, where you make the same face, like you literally do not do any other facial expression. And I genuinely think that no model should ever suffer from mono face because your entire higher job is to perform in front of the camera and is to become different characters. But I notice that in all of your photos, you make the same face. And I think, I mean, obviously it’s working for you, it seems, because you’re getting a lot of jobs. But after a certain while, it gets kind of old and you’re limiting yourself. And that’s kind of what I would tell any models like, do not limit yourself by just making the same face.

Like move your eyebrows. You have what I call like the dough eye, where it’s like wider eyes. And I think that’s really cool. But also play around with like squinting, giving smiles or furrowing your brows or even dropping your mouth, something. But I feel like in all of your photos, they all pretty much look the same. And I think what it does is it makes you look like you don’t have a personality. Because if someone’s face is just monotonous, then why wouldn’t their personality be the same way? People with personalities that are engaging in conversations, they’re gonna be more expressive when they talk, right? They’re gonna be a little bit more animated. Someone that’s mono face is gonna give off the vibe that they literally have nothing going on in the brain. But let’s look through you. I don’t even have any reels. Okay. Alright, let’s click through your highlights to see if, yeah, like all your facial expressions are the same. You can keep getting away with this. I don’t care how much you work.

Okay, here’s a like, I get the look that you have down and I get why people book you. I, like I said, after a couple of years of you doing this, you know, try something new. Don’t limit your face to only be making the same thing. Cuz for humans, we can express a lot more different things. And you know what? I feel like I’m right about the personality thing because I don’t see you talking on camera. Are you an introvert as well? There seems to be a lot of models that I interact with that are like introverts, which is not too surprising. A lot of people think that models are supposed to be like these extroverts. They’re gonna be like these overly confident people. And that’s actually not the case. I think there are more introverted, quiet, reserved models, then they’re like extroverted, outgoing, very animated models. But overall, your aesthetic is really cool. I like it. I like how you post like, you know, these lamp is on a hill, this chicken, and then like, you know, pictures of you, whoever this dude is, probably your boyfriend, a book that you read, like it does allow me to see that you’re a little bit more creative and artistic and you’re not just like one dimension.

Like you’re not just all about your looks, which I think is extremely important for models to ensure they convey when they’re building their Instagrams. I do love that she has different hairstyles and a lot of her images. I think that’s really important for models to show. Yeah, like you’re posting food, like it gives me an idea of who you are and what stands out to you in your life. Food and I mean, you’re probably Gen Z. So like Gen Z takes pictures a lot different. Definitely the millennials did.

I’m not mad at Shafid. I think the only feedback would be to essentially try different facial expressions and introduce like more videos of you talking or just come to life. All in all, I would say this is a solid 8 out of 10.

Again, there’s room for improvement, but I do get the general gist of who you are. And I think that’s very important as a brand who’s looking to book you. So good job. In fact, I think that you’ve done the best job so far of everyone’s Instagrams that I’ve reviewed at showing what you look like. Because based off of your feed, I know exactly what you look like in a lot of people’s feed, it’s really hard sometimes to get a good grasp of what they look like because of how they display their photos or how much filters make up or just distractions that get in the way of like actually seeing what they look like. For males, it could be like shadow shots or like with their head down or just never really showing their face. And I think like you do a good job at showing your features, your face, your hairstyles and everything that you have going on for yourself. And again, that makes it easy for brands to see what you look like, to see what they’re gonna get.

If you guys need more help on building an Instagram feed and a TikTok feed that you can monetize and make money off of as a model, then click the link in my bio and take a look at my Model Master class where I cover this and so much more that will help you learn how you can make more money as a model in this business. And if you want me to review your Instagram, be sure to follow me on Instagram and send me a DM.