On the Hunt for London’s Best Chicken: The Greenwich Adventure

I’m going on the hunt to find the best chicken shop in all of London.
Today we are in Greenwich for our first stop
at this place that claims to have the perfect chicken.
I’ve come to perfect chicken.
Hello boss man.
How you doing? Can I just get combo F4 spicy wings,
chips and a drink? Look at the menu classic in here.
Is it cold? Yeah,
nah. I’m Canadian brother.
We don’t get cold, you know.
Thank you boss. Have a good one. Yeah. Cheers.
Let’s go find out if this is the perfect chicken. Alright,
we’re back home and listen,
we’re just gonna get the same thing from every chicken shop
we go in London. Alright,
chips, four spicy wings and a strawberry Miranda. Here we go.
Oh my god. It’s really salty.
I like that. I like that low key.
This whole meal also cost me around 4 pound
I’m pretty sure. Let’s wash it down with a Miranda quickly.
God bless America. I’m gonna give this a solid 7.1.
It’s like average at best.
You know, some of the chips are pretty burnt here.
There’s not a lot of salt. Honestly,
the chicken carries the chicken was really fucking good.
The vibe in the shop wasn’t the greatest.
It was a bit dark and like when I think of Chicken Shop in London,
like I’m trying to go in there with like a vibe.
I’m trying to dance. I’m trying to meet the man down.
Meet the geezer. Like,
you know what I’m saying? Like
I need a bit more of a vibe to push up into like the eights and nines.
Hey, let me know right now
what other chicken shops I got to hit up in London
because I am going to find the No. 1 chicken shop.
I’m not gonna stop until I find.
I’m telling you guys that right now.