The Unseen World of Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu: Exploring Tom Cruise’s Exciting Film Collaboration

Birdman or The Unexpected Virtue of ignorance,
the Revenant and Bardo, false chronicle of a handful of truths.
These are all movies directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu.
Those are also movies that I haven’t seen.
I haven’t seen any of his films.
I’m not, like,
never going to see those movies,
I just haven’t seen them for whatever reason.
And you read
too is a somewhat polarizing filmmaker in the film community.
There’s a lot of people who really like him,
and there are definitely people who don’t.
I don’t fit in any of those camps.
I haven’t seen any of his movies,
but I will be seeing his next movie,
and that is because of one man and one man only. Tom Cruise.
The cast for his next movie has been revealed as Tom Cruise,
Rihanna, Med,
Sophie Wild, Sandra Holder,
Jesse Plemons, John Goodman,
and Michael Stobarg. Kind of an all star cast,
but Tom Cruise still, you know,
stands above all of them. But really great cast,
just filled with awesome people.
The description says
the film follows the most powerful man in the world
who tries to prove he is humanity’s savior
before the disaster he’s unleashed destroys everything.
Now it’s clear, like,
Tom Cruise fits that role as the most powerful man in the world.
It makes sense that he’s that casting.
But what if he’s not? What if it’s Rizzo men?
What if it’s Jesse Plemons?
What if it’s John Goodman?
I, you know,
and Tom Cruise is like,
Try to save the world, like,
or something. I don’t know,
I, I would assume that it is Tom Cruise who is, like,
the most powerful man in the world figure.
But, you know,
we won’t know until we know.
But, yeah,
definitely excited for this one
just because it’s a new Tom Cruise movie that’s not like
mission impossible or Top Gun.
It’s something different.
And I hope Tom Cruise continues to make stuff like this.
Even if I don’t end up loving this movie,
it’s exciting because Tom Cruise is taking a different direction.
I’m. Cruise used to be in movies like Eyes Wide Shut,
Magnolia, and collateral,
and while this movie
probably won’t come close to those three other movies again,
it’s still something interesting.
And, yeah,
you like working with an on tour.
Hopefully this is a stepping stone for the next, like,
era of Tom Cruise’s career,
and we get some really awesome movies.