Title: Debunking Simone Biles Retirement and Pregnancy Rumors: Challenging Assumptions and Speculation in the Gymnastics World

Alright, y’all,
I just saw an article going around
about how Simone Biles said that she is retiring
and that she’s pregnant. And as a gymnastics reporter,
I just wanted to come on here and confirm for you guys
that she never said that. And people are being weird little freaks.
Not only did she never say that,
you know what she did explicitly say?
That she’s sick of people asking Olympians what’s next
when they just won an Olympic medal.
She said that she is sick of people not letting them enjoy
what they’ve worked for so hard
their entire lives and automatically
just assuming that they’re gonna be doing something bigger
and better and never resting.
So that’s one elephant in the room.
The second, even bigger elephant that we need to talk about
is everybody constantly speculating and thinking about her uterus.
In general, you should never assume that somebody wants children.
Someone specifically has spoken about wanting children,
so the general public does know that that’s what she wants.
You should still never assume or ask somebody about pregnancy,
because you know what? It’s not that easy for everybody.
And even if and when it is that easy,
if somebody’s lucky enough to have it happen
exactly when and how they want to,
that still doesn’t mean that we should be speculating
about what some of the most famous,
powerful, and accomplished women on this planet
are planning to do with their uteruses.
Like, that’s finally What gives them value?
I’m sorry if that sounds harsh,
but sometimes we need to say things that are a little harsh.
If you are one of the many,
many, many people that has commented on one of my videos saying,
I hope Simone retires to have a baby,
think about that for a minute.
That’s weird. Stop acting like women who are already accomplished
will finally have done something once they have a kid.