Calling Out the Worldly Ways in the Pulpit: A Challenge to the Black Church

Things the black church is gonna get mad at me for saying,
but I’m gonna say it anyway.
Man, y’all check this out.
If y’all know that we gonna get kicked off and go off,
why come here and act like y’all don’t know what to do?
Come on. That’s what I’m saying.
Cause I dare y’all to come to 54 14 Woodland Avenue and try it.
I’m in the mood of now. I’m just gonna tell you to get the hell out.
You don’t believe me? I just said about church anniversary,
and that’s not. That’s not being rude.
Yeah, I’m saying.
I’m saying
some of y’all say too. Y’all us all night.
I try to be careful, though,
in church. Cause,
you know, I grew up old school.
You know, that’s nothing against any other leader,
you know, that’s just not how I was raised.
But every now and then, you know,
I get a little. I’ll be trying to hold on
after a while. Yeah.
You know, I got to replace my.
My cuss words with altercation.
Listen, man,
here’s the deal. Here’s the deal.
This right here
is one of the main reasons people have decided to leave the church.
This right here is one of the main reasons people say, man,
I ain’t going to church no more.
I ain’t going to church no more.
Because this level of carnality,
this level of immaturity, this level of worldliness
coming from the high offices,
coming from The pool pit.
Listen, man,
we are supposed to be examples to the flock.
We’re supposed to lead them in the correct way.
We’re supposed to correct their behaviour when they’re off track.
They’re supposed to be able to look at us and say, hey,
he’s doing it right. He’s being talked about,
but he ain’t talking back.
Or he’s being dogged out, but he’s praying for people.
Or he’s doing it right. See,
it’s people like him that love the title.
They love to walk in the authority that that title can bring.
But they don’t wanna walk in the standards
that the title supposed to bring.
No, you don’t believe me?
You don’t believe me? Look what happened at the church anniversary.
You better ask them. I tell them to get the blankety blank out.
See, I’ve been trying to control myself.
I’ve been trying to control myself because.
Because I gotta take these curse words
and not turn them into altercation,
man. Who are you?
Who are who, huh?
Bro, you 125 pounds wet,
my guy. Like, really,
who are you intimidating? Nobody.
You’re worldly, man.
You’re a colonel. And the 3A mens,
I’m sorry. They are too.
You the type of guy that say, yeah,
I’m a Christian, but I still fight.
Either fight or be a Christian.
Jesus says,
when you came away from that darkness into the marvelous light,
there’s a newness, there’s a new way of living.
He said, you supposed to Put aside those things.
Lay aside the sin that so easily besets you.
That’s supposed to be a change.
And if they don’t see the change in the pulpit,
then how are the people gonna change?
In the words of a famous poet,
the flock is not like us. They’re not like us.
We’re the examples to them,
not the other way around.
We’re supposed to be the ones they look to and say,
man, I can change.
And, oh,
I thank you, pastor,
for being an example. Thank you,
thank you for correcting the way you speak.
Thank you, thank you for not getting into an argument.
Thank you, thank you for not fighting.
Thank you for loving people.
Thank you for walking in kindness.
But it’s. It’s carnal
people like him and others
that are making those offices that light dim and dim and dim
and be disrespected. That’s why people ain’t.
Ain’t respected those offices anymore.
That’s why you can tell people you’re a pastor
and they. They laugh at you because you acting just as worldly as them.
There’s no holiness, there ain’t holy.
You trying to be a bully? Trying to show for your bravado,
my guy? Change! Change!
Live in this newness of life!
Live in this newness of life!
Jesus told us how to deal with people who talk about us,
how to deal with people who do us wrong.
He said, pray for him.
He said, do good to him.
He ain’t Say he ain’t say cuss him out.
He ain’t say get into no altercation.
But it’s worldliness like this that is scattering the sheep.
Stop it! Stop it!
Listen, man,
if this video was a blessing to you,
hit the follow button. Hit the share button.
My name is Damon Redding. If you want me to speak on another video,
inbox me. And be her, period.
I love to hear from you. Until then,
do good. Be good. Why?
Well, because god made you good.
I love you. Peace out.