Title: Reflections on TikTok’s Chaotic Content: A Look at the Overwhelming Mess and Drama

I saw this TikTok the other day from this girl that basically said
there are too many people and too many situations
and tell me why this is
my whole TikTok FYP at the moment is like a random person
like I’m just here to give my take on the ginger girl
that took out some random girl’s boyfriend
and it’s like a 10 minute video
why is this my whole TikTok FYP
TikTok is so messy I actually used to find this app valuable
like you just scroll through now and it’s just loads of people chatting
absolute bollocks and also the same could be said for me right now right
but like I just don’t get it
I don’t understand it what happened to this app
like every single video is just people tearing each other
it’s so weird like
it’s so weird is it not weird
there are too many people and too many situations
everyone go outside and touch some grass