Inspecting Turnover Damage in Short-Term Airbnb Rentals: A Property Owner’s Experience

How much damage do you get every single time you have a turnover with a short term Airbnb? We just had someone check out, so I thought I’d show you. I have not been through this property yet. So this is going to be of right now thing. Let’s check it out. Also, let me give you a little backstory cuz we’re gonna walk into this property. I have not opened that door yet. The backstory is we had, this property sleeps eight. And we know for a fact that there was at least 11 people staying in this property because we have friends in the neighborhood and they inform does that they were a lot of people staying here. So what can you do? You really can’t, you know, you don’t need to kick people out of your place because they had more people staying than they told you about. But it does give you wear and tear on your property. So I’m a little bit nervous about how this property is gonna look. Also, we have the nest door locks. And looking at that, you can see how many times your door was on, unlocked and locked. And every single night, starting at like 11:00 to 3,4, five in the morning, it was open to 70+ times through a three night stay. And to give you a little bit more backstory on a three night stay right now, they paid 12 hundred and forty one dollars for three nights. We after the Airbnb fees made $921 for our Friday, Saturday, Sunday. They checked out on Monday. Alright, enough. Let’s go check this place out.

Can’t let y’all see that. Come on. Alright, was a little nervous. Alright, smells like food like they were cooking over there. Actually kind of impressed everything back where it goes. Dishes are done, trash is taken out. This was here from a previous tenant. We’re actually gonna be fixing that today. We have two days open. We did not have two days before. We did inform of the of that and they were okay with that. Left a little watermelon in there. No big deal. Okay, so far so good. Alright. Living room looks good. Can’t tell if light bulbs are out. Looks like the bench is knocked over. Here’s the pole. Right. You would never know that.

11 people, we’re in and out of this property. Okay, knowing pretty s typical stuff, right? A little bit up here. So I’m extremely happy with this property. I don’t see any damage other than what was already there.

The beds, good shape, towels. I mean, you know, we gotta check and see if any towels are missing. But from what I can see, all the towels are here, properties in great shape. We’re gonna get our cleaning people in here today. We’re gonna turn this over, and in two days we’re gonna rent that again. So hopefully we can get this book the entire summer. And on a property like this, a two bedroom, one bath downtown Ocean City, it’s gonna make somewhere in the ballpark of 28 to 30 five thousand dollars this year.

Okay, follow me for some more tips and to follow the journey of Airbnb’s rentals, mortgages, whatever you need, anything that has to do with real estate, finances, money, I’m here to help you grow and live that fun life that you’ve always wanted. I’m going to the beach. Have a good day.