Love and Grace: The True Measure of Success

Success is not worth it. Like,
what’s success to you?
Success to me is people celebrating my music and dancing to my music,
falling in love to my music,
making babies to my music.
You know what I mean?
You can’t wait to see somebody and play my music while you see,
you know, come on, man.
Like, that’s it.
That’s. That’s accolades,
that’s flowers for me. Yeah.
Is when people come up to me and be like, yo,
we raised our kids to enjoy your music,
so my 18 year old son, like,
loves your stuff and that’s right,
you know,
and I’m not trying to steal anybody else’s flowers away from them.
but I just feel like we gotta really acknowledge what’s gotten us here.
Cause it wasn’t hate and.
And anger and fear and sadness they got us here.
It was. It was the opposite.
That’s right. It was love and Grace that got us here.