Title: Defending a Father’s Pride: Standing Up Against Online Bullying and Hate Speech

so the other night Gus Walz proudly stood up and proclaimed
that’s my dad uh
when Tim Walz was giving his acceptance speech for vice president candidate
the internet and the bullies
and the people on the far right just came out in such a hateful way
talking about this boy with special needs
I also wanna say not once have I ever engaged in talking about Baron Trump
and I was talking about something that personally touched me
this is my page and I do have the right to do that
I am however
going to address this one comment that I got
the only ones I see talking about this is the liberals
y’all making an issue out of something that’s not happening
liberals love to start shit
and so I would like to just go through a couple of exhibits for you
3:07 W y o 1 so first one
we’ve got Ian Coulter uh
talk about weird Mike Crispy said Tim Walz
stupid crying son isn’t the flex the left thinks it is
you raised your kid to be a puffy beta male congrats
this guy said this kid might have mental problems
but he’s acting just like Tim Walz
so what’s Walz’s excuse
and I won’t even dignify this guy with reading this part on my page
because I’m not gonna get banned
uh but yeah
it’s not that we’re just uh
making something up or we like to start shit
this is actually happening