Deciding to Stay: Navigating Relationship Boundaries and Weekend Plans

So I actually had the same exact thought
when I was deciding on to get off the plane or stay on the plane.
I was like, yeah,
but Corey, like,
I don’t wanna overstay, I don’t wanna intrude,
I don’t wanna mess up your weekend.
Like, what if you wanna spend it with the guys?
And he’s like, well,
we just talked about, like,
wanting to spend a life together,
get married, move in.
Why would I want you to leave?
And why would I not be okay with you staying if we are supposed to,
like, live together one day? And I was like,
you have a good point. You have a good point.
But still, I don’t.
I don’t know. I just want to ruin the vibes.
Like, he hung out with the guys when I left,
I was like, you hung out with the guys today.
And so then I’m interviewing you,
hanging with the guys. So
I don’t know,
I told him he could play video games with all of them tonight,
and I’ll sit and get some work done.
Uh, cause I was like,
or I can just leave Saturday.
Like, I’ll just leave early Friday.
I could have left today. And he was like, no,
I want you to stay as long as you want.
So he’s very sweet about it.
He’s okay with me staying,
but I. In my head,
I’m like, great,
I’m ruining his entire weekend, bro.
Like, messing with the Bros.
But he does have a point.
We’re supposed to live together and spend our life together.
I guess he should want me around,
you know? All right.
At least I hope. I hope you want me around, Corey. I really do.