Testing Out My New Microphone: Background Noise Cancelling and Whispering Trials

bingo I got the mic
because a lot of people kept complaining on my older videos that I talk too softly
so now I can whisper and still be heard
um I haven’t tested out the functions of the mic so I’m gonna test it out now
but it’s supposed to be like noise cancelling
background noise cancelling so let’s try okay
okay ive played music in the background and this is what I sound like
im putting the phone quite close to me so that the phone mic
can pick up on my voice better than this music
so be fair when I use the mic
okay now I’m using the mic
this song is Wachito Rico by Boy Pablo
it was one of my favorite like Spanish songs for a long time okay
now I’m using the noise cancelling mode
which is supposed to cancel the music out even more um
let me know if it’s working
I can even whisper and hopefully you guys can hear me because honestly
the music is quite loud