Title: Exploring Fashion Options: The One-Legged Crush Dress

Okay, you guys really didn’t like that option,
so this is another option that I have. Now,
hear me out.
It is a one legged crush. And my dress will cover this,
so I could kind of like this,
but my foot will stick out of the back,
you know? So this is an option too. So I can be like.
Now, I haven’t tried this with a high heel.
I have. I’d have to adjust the height on this thing, but I feel like.
Like I can maybe walk in a high heel,
you know, but I also don’t know if that’s safe.
You think a high heel in this?
I don’t know. Maybe
I would just have. Whoa,
does this lengthen? Yeah,
it does. Oh,
then maybe. Yeah,
cause you can walk in here,
it’s fine. You don’t have.
I can walk in here. It’s fine.
If you. If that elongates, then yes.
You gonna dance in it? Yes.