Title: Financial Recovery: Trusting the Universe’s Message for Abundance and Growth

If you’re seeing this video at the universe sent me to deliver this message specifically to you. There are no hashtags connected below. So you know that we are simply in alignment. This is everything that the universe needs you to hear right now.

We have five of panic holes reverse when I cut the deck. This is showing that we are walking away from a lot of financial burden, stress. This is financial recovery. Material success may be money coming into fruition. It’s money Monday, so this definitely is picking up the vibe. And we have the hermit on the bottom. So you definitely have been withdrawn in a period of isolation, maybe some change, lots of different changes going on in your external life. So you’ve been within kind of sorting out what doesn’t work, what does work, and let’s see where we’re going from here.

We have three of swords as the first card. This is very much a lot of pain and a lot of struggle, a lot of resistance, a lot of harsh lessons to learn. So this is definitely crossed your way. This is probably been with money, and you’ve probably had to learn some very tough lessons as regarding finance and also you’re just emotional well being and intellect. But we’re moving through this, we’re moving past this and this energy is influenced with the shadow. So when we see the shadow reverse, this is definitely the indication that you’re really releasing limiting beliefs, releasing this pain, releasing this narrative and this story. So continue to do this work because it’s working for you. It’s going to help you relieve a lot of burden with your finances.

And remember, if we’re talking about financial recovery, this pain, this story, when we release it, we actually make ourselves more worthy for money. Worthiness is a big word that’s coming through right now. Remember, you are worthy immediately as you are worthy of money, you are worthy of material, you are worthy of resources, good connect actions, good relationships, and a stable foundation to enjoy, to move through life with. So let the past be the past, let it go. We don’t need to worry about that anymore.

In the conscious mind, we have four pentacles, reverse hitting the head with some fear around finances, material. This is definitely showing that you’re still a little restrictive. You’re still not really trusting this is consciously on your mind. So remember that this is the old narrative kind of creeping up and creeping in. And remember all of the work you have really been doing to release these things, right? So they’re gonna be consistent in your thought patterns, but you don’t have to subscribe to that energy anymore. And you have to remember that your core belief is what sets the tone. So believe you’re worthy, believe you deserve to have money.

Believe money is meant for you. You’re meant to have it. You’re meant to have the things, the experiences that you want to witness and enjoy and like your meant to enjoy it, to let yourself. We have the aid of wands in the subconscious mind.

This is all about movement. There is change happening. We’re in an eight year. So if there’s some karmic death that’s going on that’s being paid off, know that it is happening. This does show kind of gradual change. So it may not be as fast as you want it, which is kind of bringing me back to this for pentacles reverse. So trust the process. It’s not all gonna change overnight.

A lot of this money mentality that you have been living under has been a construction of your entire life. So remember, you’re undoing things that you’ve believed and known to be true for so long. It’s going to take some effort, but change is happening. There is movement. There is progress. And you can loosen up kind of on your grip towards everything.

We have this energy of 6 of cops reverse. This is very much living in the past. This is very much kind of holding yourself to your mistakes, let it go. You don’t need to do that anymore. The more you do that, the more you throw your energy back into that past version of you that made those mistakes and suffered with that 3 of swords.

So step forward, move away from this. You don’t need to define yourself by us anymore. It’s over. You get to set the tone moving forward. So make it what you want it to be. And speaking of moving forward, via eight pinnacles is the energy that we step into. And this is good. This is a good sign.

Another 8 more change, more balance. This is really hard work, skills, effort paying off. This is the byproduct of everything that you’ve Learned and experienced. And if anything, this means that you’re gonna be much better with your finances and resources now, based off of all of the lessons that you’ve had to learn.

Now, that doesn’t mean that it was easy. It made, you know, this process effortless, but you can learn from your mistakes and you can be much better for it. So let it be that way. Let it be that easy. Let money come in easily.

The energy with yourself. We have seven of pentacles, lots of pentacles today. This is really about starting to receive the fruits of your labor. This is hard work paying off. Light at the end.

There is a light at the end. It’s positive. It’s good. Things are coming. This money is coming. This money is coming in. You’re allowed to habit. You’re allowed to enjoy. You don’t have to be afraid. You don’t have to grip. You don’t have to cling. It’s safe. It is safe. Let yourself have it. Let yourself be it. Let yourself enjoy it. Know that all of your effort has really, truly paid off. And we have the wheel of fortune. kidding me. So yeah, the wheel is turning. And I always like to describe this card in a way that kind of resembles the wheel, right? So when we think about the wheel, sometimes, most times when we see this card, we’re really on the bottom of the wheel. So you might be through the MUD and the right now, right? You might be rolling through it still, but that doesn’t mean the wheel isn’t turning in your favor. And even as you start to move along the side of the wheel, remember, you can’t really see what’s on the top yet. You can’t see how good it’s going to be. But you can allow your trust in the universe and all that you’ve overcome and Learned to be the catalyst to bring you to this top, to this period of great financial, you know, relief, probably a lot of financial return, a lot of compensation, universal law compensation. Remember that your energy and your efforts will always be matched. This is a sign of good fortune. This is a sign that things are working in your favor, all the energy around you. In some times, it just takes a little extra. I call it energetic delay, but a little extra time for the universe to kind of fill in the gaps and into really help this shift for you. So trust that it’s happening, even if you don’t see it yet. Let go of that fear.

We also end up with justice in the five of cops reverse. So this is very much karmic, debt being paid, things balancing out. This could be, you know, the reality balancing out by Libra season, maybe end of September, beginning of October. This also has to do with, I think, some retrograde going on, but I won’t go into that. We have five of cups versus this. Really kind of forgiving yourself. This is really everything balancing out and being able to let go and forgive yourself, meet yourself with a lot of Grace and a lot of love for everything that you’ve overcome. Mistakes are meant to be made. You learn, you grow, you heal. You don’t have to hang on anymore. The scales are turning in your favor. Everything is balancing out. Fortune is referring to you, and you have fixed your money mindset. So keep believing, keep trusting and know that this is really a sign that everything is about to get really good after a lot of setbacks.

So stop thinking about it, get excited, understand that you’re worthy innately as you are and know that money wants to reach you. It always wants to take the path of least resistance to you. We simply have to view it as a solution, not a problem. You’re doing such a great job. I love you so much. Keep going. Everything is balancing out. You got this.