The Uncertain Future of Q Dance: A Concerned Fan’s Perspective

is this gonna be the end of Q dance as we know it?!
Q dance we need to have a little talk
alright let’s look at the facts here
these are the q-dance parties that we used to have
and these are the q-dance parties that we currently have
that’s not a lot is it?
and on top of that they decided to cancel our beloved qlimax for next year
and also Mysterand is out of the door
and who knows what else is gonna be out of the door for next year
and don’t even get me started for this year’s Qontinent
where you where you put up this stuff yo
I like what
what the hell is that are you guys trolling?
and on top of that
the whole subreddit of Hardstyle is filled with complaints about Q Dance
neglecting their customers
not responding not answering any questions
and this is also a great example
but if you think Q Dance is making these decisions
you might be wrong because let’s look at the organisation
Q Dance is owned by IDNT since 2,006
and IDNT is owned by superstruct
and guess what superstruct is bought by K K R
in June 24 for $1.3 billion
and by the way here are some of the parties that Superstruct owns
and I’m pretty sure there is more news out when this
this video is being released
but yeah there’s just weird stuff going on like no
have a safe trip home this was a Q dance event
wow wow stuff
no merchandise on Defqon so all kind of weird stuff that doesn’t make any sense
seems that they’re gonna drop out the Q Dance brand as a whole
and they’re just gonna continue on the Defqon 1 brand
I will be very disappointed in that
um guys
what is your opinion and what is your experience with Q Dance lately
and what are your thoughts?
let me know in the comments below👇