Starbucks CEO’s Controversial 1,000 Mile Commute: A Look into Brian Niccol’s Private Jet Travel

Starbucks’ CEO has a 1,000 mile commute to the office,
on a private jet of course.
Brian Niccol is due to start at the coffee empire on September 9.
And his contract includes commuting from his home in California
to Starbucks’ HQ in Seattle
via private jet.
Niccol is expected to work
from Starbucks’ Seattle office at least three days a week
in line with the company’s hybrid work policies.
Starbucks has denied to the BBC
that Niccol will be expected to fly back and forth 1,000 miles each day.
However, some customers are furious about the new CEO’s commute,
saying it doesn’t align with
Starbucks’ commitment to have
less of an environmental impact.