Mastering the Rift: Strategies to Counter Samira’s Inferno Trigger

Found yourself face to face with Samira’s dastardly Inferno Trigger?
“Finally some action!”
Here’s how to fight back against her.
Samira takes a daredevil approach on the Rift:
While her ultimate is strong,
her power budget is balanced around her weakness to range,
teamplay and crowd control.
Use this to your advantage!
Timing is everything with Samira.
Her ult triggers when her combos hit “S” tier in
her passive, so be on high alert the closer she gets.
Also look out for her jump reset.
After every kill, her dash resets and she can use it to jump through your team.
Look out for that low health teammate.
because she can leapfrog to you after killing them!
“You’re mine.”
remember to keep your CC abilities at the ready.
You can interrupt her ult and turn the tables with your teammates.
So there you have it.
Samira’s ult might be deadly,
but with teamwork and timing,
you can fight your way around it to victory.
“Messy, but effective.”